Matricula de suficiencia I Ciclo 2025
Dra. Ana María Carmiol, Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas
Resumen del coloquio: This study examines the effects of two concurrent interventions aimed at enhancing children’s welfare: one targeting early educational outcomes and the other focusing on improving labor market outcomes of mothers within the household. The first intervention assessed the impact of a 12-week, low-cost book-sharing program on parent-child literacy practices and children’s vocabulary development in Costa Rica. A total of 168 children aged 15 to 17 months and their mothers were randomly assigned to either participate in the book-sharing intervention or be placed on a waitlist. Those in the book-sharing group received children’s books and informative text messages on effective book-sharing techniques. The intervention positively influenced mother-child reading activity, with mothers in the experimental group exhibiting higher engagement and generating more questions and conversations during book-sharing sessions than those in the control group. While the intervention improved the home language and literacy environment, early vocabulary development did not show significant enhancement, suggesting the potential necessity for subsequent interventions.
The second intervention investigated the impact of providing mothers with information on accessing state subsidies to cover out-of-home childcare services on labor market outcomes. The sample comprised the same group of 168 mothers of toddlers. They were randomly assigned to either an experimental group receiving information about out-of-home infant care or a waitlist. Mothers in the experimental group received a brochure and a video describing a) the benefits of out-of-home childcare, b) the characteristics of quality childcare centers, and c) information about currently available out-of-home childcare subsidy programs in the country and how to access them. Results indicated that providing such information increased maternal labor force participation. However, no statistically significant effects were observed on unemployment and the number of hours worked. Our findings shed light on how to design policies aimed at promoting human capital from an early age.
Modalidad: Bimodal
Detalles: viernes 03 de mayo 12m.d., Miniauditorio aula 244CE. Transmisión FB Live. Escuela de Economía
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